The Lab is the largest
research group at the
Cyprus University of Technology
The Lab was established in 2007 and is a member of the ‘Eratosthenis Research Centre’ which is the fist established and largest research centre at the Cyprus University of Technology.
The Lab’s central research goal is to advance understanding of the Earth system sciences usingEarth observation and geo-information techniques. Our aim is to promote both applied and pureresearch in the area of remote sensing and geo-information.
We support complete observing system approaches with our well-qualifid scientists andmodern infrastructure. The lab consists of members and a team of researchers in the fildsof remote sensing, GIS, geo-informatics, civil engineering, meteorology, atmospheric sciences,environmental sciences, geology, archaeology, architecture, cultural heritage, urban design,marine sciences, transport, electrical engineering, public health, marine spatial planning, bluegrowth etc.
The mission of the group is to conduct both basic and applied research towards improvedunderstanding, management, and monitoring of natural resources and infrastructures and tooffer expert services and products of excellent qualities in line with the latest developments inremote sensing and related geospatial technologies or other high-tech tools.
The Lab is the largest research group at the Cyprus University of Technology. The Lab hasprovided employment opportunities to 120 postgraduate and postdoc researchers during thelast 8 years, fostering a research culture in Cyprus. The large number of research programsawarded to the academic staff, along with the outstanding number of publications in prominentjournals and conferences indicate excellent qualitative research and a high level of team work.